by dseasholtz
Mon, February 11 2019 13:30
Last week's temps in the 50's and the rain did knock it down, but more seasonable temps this week may help. Photos below of Roadside Gully and the Gemini Gullies were taken on 2/10/2019.
Ice climbing did get some favorable publicity in the local newspaper on 2/11/2019: Lock Haven Express
Roadside Gully: (Left) Low angle approach in Roadside Gully is now open water. (Right) The upper tiers in Roadside are hanging on, but I suspect some delamination.

Gemini Gullies: With the excessive runoff, the upper amphitheaters are now triplets this year, with an interesting column that formed to the right of Right Gemini Gully

Lock Haven / Renovo
by Dave Seasholtz
Wed, February 06 2019 23:09
Took a trip to Campbell Run Falls in the PA Grand Canyon with Chris Sommer, Jake Cramer, and Randy Edelman. We put in some time pulling laps on the short WI4 pillars at the lower falls, then moved back up to check out a line that had touched down on the South wall in the upper amphitheater. Jake Cramer's past 3 visits to Campbell Falls, this flow had not even been close to touching down, and it’s not mentioned in Griz's Ice Climbing PA guide. Northerly exposure and high groundwater flow definitely contributed to it coming in. Chris Sommer led it, while Jake Cramer held the dull end. Unless anyone has info on it being climbed before, we believe it may be a FA. Highly doubtful that it will come in or be climbed again any time soon, but there is a jive ass root/sapling anchor up top for your rappelling pleasure - “Dirty Wet Pillar”, WI3/4 ~70 feet, FA Chris Sommer 2/3/2019.
Edit: (2/6/2019) Warm temperatures started on Sunday, and it has been in the 50's several days this week with rain, so unless this trend turns around, this may unfortunately spell the end of ice in PA this season.
Photos from the day...

by dseasholtz
Wed, February 06 2019 01:23
Tim Gronski sent us photos and description of an undocumented ice climbing area on the back side of Montage Mountain near Scranton, PA. Looks like a nice area to explore.
Tim writes: These pictures were taken on 02/02/19. This spot can be seen from I-81 in the area of in between the Davis Street and River Street exit. Approximately mile marker 182. If you were to take the Davis Street exit and get onto Montage Mountain Road, there is a parking lot near the Burger King and gas station. You can park there and at the end of the lot, there is a steel gate that leads into the woods. If you follow the path you will run into a set of rail road tracks. Once you hit the tracks, start hiking north. Approximately a 1.5 mile approach walking along side the rail road tracks. You will be able to see interstate 81 to your left off in the distance, and to your right is a bit of a steep incline then some pretty decent climbing from water coming off the backside of the mountain. This was my first year ever scouting and climbing back here and I think it is well worth the short trip. A couple very steep ice pillars and also some more mellow climbing. Longest pitch being approximately 50-60 feet. The top of the climb is accessible with plenty of natural anchors to set up a top rope.

by dseasholtz
Fri, February 01 2019 17:35
The "Polar Vortex" has helped tremendously to recover from the rain events we had last month. Both the Roadside Gully, and the Gemini Gullies are in and climbable. I did not stop to check on Hidden Amphitheater, as it had a massive amount of water coming down the tiers last week. The Gemini's were climbed yesterday via the Left Gully. The party lost a cell phone there, so if you end up on that side of the river over the weekend, please keep an eye out for it. Get on this now, as next week's weather forecast is not good.
Roadside Gully: (Left) The low angle approach has crusted over, but be aware of under cut and delaminated ice from the rain we had last month. (Right) All routes in the upper amphitheater look good from the road.

Gemini Gullies: (Left) Both gullies have filled in nicely. (Right) Left Gemini was climbed yesterday, but the center curtain (pillar) still needs some time to fill in.

(Left) Right Gemini Gully's upper head wall has filled in. (Right) Little Roadside Gully is now fat.

Lock Haven / Renovo
by Dave Seasholtz
Sat, January 26 2019 23:39
With the excessive runoff from our wet Fall and Winter, the main waterfalls are currently flowing too strong to come in without an extended period of cold weather. But these wet conditions are beneficial for climbs that are fed by seeps and small springs. Just downstream from Rosecrans Falls near Loganton, in the upper end of the McElhattan Run Gorge, there are several cliffs that form short, but nice sporty ice and mixed routes. I visited here today, and was pleased to see most of the routes in and climbable. YouTube video from today: Ice Climbing Rosecrans Falls - January 26, 2019.

Lock Haven / Renovo
by Dave Seasholtz
Fri, January 25 2019 14:20
Damage Report: After favorable ice building conditions this past weekend into Tuesday, we were hit with constant rain for over 24 hours Wednesday into Thursday. This put a big hit on the ice... Photos show the current conditions.
Hidden Amphitheater: I met Benjamin Stone from the Williamsport area at Hidden Amphitheater. He was flying his drone over the Green Run drainage to determine ice conditions, and got some awesome aerial photos of Hidden Amphitheater. These sure beats trying to get a shot through the trees! Ben passed me the following shots.
Open waterfall on all three pitches of Hidden Amphitheater.

Closeup of the second and third tiers in Hidden Amphitheater. It looks like the second pitch could have been in before the rain, but now has water shooting over the remaining ice. Too much runoff! Not sure if this will form this year unless we get an extended cold snap.

Roadside Gully: (Left) Low angle approach is still open water with delaminated and undercut ice. (Right) The steep upper tiers took a hit, but are looking fatter than a week ago.

Gemini Gullies: The seven mile approach road down the east side of the river is a sheet of ice, I backed out of a solo trip down river due to the slippery road conditions. I suggest chains or more than one vehicle to make the trek. I did get some photos shooting across the river.
(Left) The low angle first pitches at the Gemini Gullies look good, but topping out on either route could be a challenge. (Right) Left Gemini Gully: The central pillar, that usually tops out, is washed out and missing. It is possible the left ramp is there, but it could not be seen through the trees from across the river.

(Left) Right Gemini Gully looks in better shape than the left, but currently does not appear to top out. (Right) Little Roadside Gully looks to be kind of climbable, but there is that sketchy start from the side of the highway.

Lock Haven / Renovo
by Dave Seasholtz
Tue, January 15 2019 20:53
Took a drive up the Renovo Road (Rt.120) north of Lock Haven this afternoon to assess conditions. Checked on the Gemini Gullies and Roadside Gully. With the excessive water flow from our very wet Fall and early Winter, we are going to need at least another week of COLD temps to get this stuff to fatten up and touch down. Did not check on Hidden Amphitheater as I am betting it is still a raging waterfall with all the runoff.
Gemini Gullies

Left Gemini Gully and its upper amphitheater.

Right Gemini Gully and its upper amphitheater.

Roadside Gully and its steep upper tiers in the amphitheater.

Little Roadside Gully along Rt. 120.

Lock Haven / Renovo
by Dave Seasholtz
Tue, January 15 2019 19:18
Mitchell Steiner sent us several current ice condition photos from Montgomery. He reports it is forming, but needs more time. This area has plenty of water to grow, but does see some sun during the day so requires COLD temps to bring it in.

by dseasholtz
Tue, September 18 2018 16:46
Cold weather is coming! Lets hope for favorable conditions this year.
Feel free to check our Ice Condition Archive Pages located along the right sidebar to see what we can expect if the weather cooperates. Please use this site and to assist you in determining where to climb.
HELP WANTED! Please help keep this site up to date. Use the conditions form listed on the "Submit" tab above, or email your Pennsylvania Ice Climbing trip reports and photos to and I will post them