by dseasholtz
Sat, December 14 2013 14:24
Took a recon trip up the Renovo Road to check conditions. One word describes what I found: DRY. It appears that we have had a very dry Fall and there is not much runoff or ground water seeping. This is the opposite of what we had experienced in the past several years where we had too much water flowing and not enough cold temps to bring things in.
Roadside Gully
The low angle approach gully (Grade 2/3) to Roadside is now climbable but is probably a bit thin for screw placements. It is best just to solo it as I did. Higher up, the steep tiers will need some more time and cold temps to bring things in. The Left Pillar is close, but not yet ready. Because of the lack of runoff, nothing has yet to form on the top tier. Glass Menagerie is completely dry.

Roadside Gully December 14, 2013. The low angle approach to Roadside Gully is now climbable...the first time in several years.

Definitely climbable, but a bit thin to hold screws. The steep upper tiers still need some more cold temps to build...that, and a bit of runoff.
Hidden Amphitheater
Hidden Amphitheater is really hurting because of no runoff. I was hoping it would be farther along, but the right side of the second steep section (usually grade 3+/4) appears pretty dry. Time will tell if Hidden will continue to build, or completely dry up.

Two shots of Hidden Amphitheater (December 14, 2013).
Lock Haven / Renovo