by dseasholtz
Mon, March 20 2017 09:38
Despite our dismal weather this season, some fortunate climbers finally found some ice to climb in Pennsylvania.
Report from Doug Reilley:
Climbed Dead Deer Gully today. Conditions ranged from plastic to wet to hollow depending on the aspect and flow. there is considerable avy snow pile at the base of the climb that extends all the way to the road. Yesterday morning it was pretty firm and front point-able (very alpine like!)
Left Flows were decent and pretty well protected. the Center curtain at the top was not quite touching down but climbable.

Due to a closure by DCNR, Dead Deer is one of the few routes currently available to climb at the Narrows. The closure is due to a pair of Peregrine Falcons nesting on the cliffs near Main Gully. Climbing is not allowed from February 4 through July 31 at the following locations: Main Flow, Banana, Main Gully, and Hidden Amphitheatre.

The Narrows
by dseasholtz
Mon, January 16 2017 20:53
Still way too much water to allow the low angle approach to come in. Not sure if we will get a solid week + of single digits to bring it in. If you want to slog your way up into the upper amphitheater, there appears to be climbable ice to enjoy. From the road, Glass Menagerie on the right side of the third tier actually looks solid enough to maybe allow a bold lead. I hope to travel across the river over to the Gemini Gullies soon to assess conditions there. That location usually fares better during these mild winters.

Way too much flow... Glass Menagerie on the third tier looks possibly solid enough to take screws.
Last weekend (1/7/2017), I got a bit desperate to find some ice to climb. I took a look at the Rosecrans Falls area in southern Clinton Co. I unfortunately only found one short smear to stick my pick in.
Video here: Rosecrans Falls - McElhattan Gorge January 7, 2017 (YouTube)
by dseasholtz
Sun, December 25 2016 01:07
Last weekend's rain event pretty much wiped out the early start for this season. Both Roadside Gully and Hidden Amphitheater are open water and will need at least a week of single digit temps to bring things back now with the excessive runoff.

Low angle approach to Roadside Gully washed out and did not recover from last weekend's rain event. The steep upper tiers in Roadside Gully do look to be holding on.

Hidden Amphitheater is completely washed out. Way too much flow...
Lock Haven / Renovo
by dseasholtz
Sun, December 18 2016 20:31
Yes, I should of headed up Rt 120 north of Lock Haven yesterday, as I am sure I would of got my first sticks of the season. Last night, the temps rose and the area was hit with heavy rain. The ice took a serious hit with the heavy runoff. Below is the damage report:

Roadside Gully took a hit with the rising temps and increased runoff. The steep upper tiers in Roadside. Glass Menagery is almost touching down.

Hidden Amphitheater has a large open waterfall on the first tier. Bears don't appear to be hibernating yet.
Lock Haven / Renovo
by dseasholtz
Tue, November 22 2016 22:01
Cold weather is filtering into Penns woods. Lets hope for favorable conditions this year.
Feel free to check our Ice Condition Archive Pages located along the right sidebar to see what we can expect if the weather cooperates. Please use this site and to assist you in determining where to climb.
HELP WANTED! Please help keep this site up to date. Use the conditions form listed on the "Submit" tab above, or email your Pennsylvania Ice Climbing trip reports and photos to and I will post them to this site.