by dseasholtz
Mon, January 16 2017 20:53
Still way too much water to allow the low angle approach to come in. Not sure if we will get a solid week + of single digits to bring it in. If you want to slog your way up into the upper amphitheater, there appears to be climbable ice to enjoy. From the road, Glass Menagerie on the right side of the third tier actually looks solid enough to maybe allow a bold lead. I hope to travel across the river over to the Gemini Gullies soon to assess conditions there. That location usually fares better during these mild winters.

Way too much flow... Glass Menagerie on the third tier looks possibly solid enough to take screws.
Last weekend (1/7/2017), I got a bit desperate to find some ice to climb. I took a look at the Rosecrans Falls area in southern Clinton Co. I unfortunately only found one short smear to stick my pick in.
Video here: Rosecrans Falls - McElhattan Gorge January 7, 2017 (YouTube)