Hiking Trails
of Central Pennsylvania

Allen Seeger Trail
Location: In the Seven Mountains region of central PA
Length:  1.2 miles
Time:  30 minutes
Vertical Rise:  None
Maps:  USGS 7.5' McAlevys Fort; MSTA map 203

Black Moshannon State Park (Moss Hanna Trail)
Location:  On the Allegheny Plateau in western Centre County
Length:  10.7 miles
Time:  5 hours
Vertical Rise:  200'
Maps:  SGS 7.5' Black Moshannon; park map

Cherry Run Gamelands
Location:  South of Exit 25 on I-80 at Lamar
Length:  10.0 miles
Time:  5 hours
Vertical Rise:  980'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Millheim, Mill Hall; Sportsmen's Recreation Map

Eddy Lick Run
Location:  15.5 miles south from the junction with PA 120 in Renovo
Length:  7.3 miles
Time:  4.25 hours
Vertical Rise:  950'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Snow Shoe NE; Chuck Keiper Trail map

Greenwood Fire Tower
Location:  Greenwood Furnace State Park on PA 305, Stone Valley
Length:  6.5 miles
Time:  4 hours
Vertical Rise:  1400'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' McAlevys Fort, Barrville; PSOC Map 203

Hook Natural Area
Location:  Bald Eagle State Forest between Hartleton and Mifflinburg
Length:  8.1 miles
Time:  5 hours
Vertical  Rise:  1220'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Hartleton, Mifflinburg

Indian Steps
Location:  Top of Tussey Ridge in Pine Grove Mills
Length:  9.9 miles
Time:  6 hours
Vertical Rise:  800'
Maps:  Maps USGS 7.5' Pine Grove Mills; MSTA Map 202

Jackson Trail
Location:  Top of Tussey Ridge in Pine Grove Mills
Length:  6.3 miles
Time:  4.75 hours
Vertical Rise:  920'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' McAlevys Fort, Pine Grove Mills; MSTA Map 202.1

Little Flat
Location:  Bear Meadows Natural Area east of Boalsburg
Length:  8.6 miles
Time:  5.75 hours
Vertical Rise:  850'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' State College, McAlevys Fort; PSOC Map 203

Rock Run Trail
Location:  Black Moshannon State Park
Length:  7.2 miles
Time:  4.25 hours
Vertical Rise:  620'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Bear Knob; Rock Run Trail map

Sand Mountain Tower
Location:  Raymond B. Winter State Park
Length:  7.9 miles
Time:  4.50 hours
Vertical Rise:  1180'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Carroll, Hartleton

Snyder Middleswarth State Park
Location:  Snyder Middleswarth State Park, Troxelville
Length:  3.4 miles
Time:  2 hours
Vertical Rise:  760'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Weikert

Wykoff Run Natural Area
Location:  Quehanna Wild Area near Karthaus
Length:  4.8 miles
Time:  2.75 hours
Vertical Rise:  280'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Devils Elbow, Driftwood; Quehanna Trail map

Yost Run
Location:  Sproul State Forest near Moshannon
Length:  7.1 miles
Time:  4.75 hours
Vertical Rise:  1295'
Maps:  USGS 7.5' Snow Shoe NW; Chuck Keiper Trail map